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The Influence of Live Streaming E-Commerce on Purchase Interest in the Tangerang Regency
Corresponding Author(s) : Nor Fatah Ulinnuha
Proceeding Internasional Conference on Child Education,
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): 1st ICCE 2023
This research aims to examine the influence of various factors on purchasing decisions on the Shopee e-commerce platform. Through data collection and analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: First, live streaming sales have a significant impact on purchasing decisions on Shopee, showing an increase in the number of purchases when live streaming sales are used. Second, discounts have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, because offering discounts or price reductions increases the likelihood of purchasing on Shopee. Third, free shipping vouchers have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, indicating that providing free shipping incentives can increase the number of purchases on Shopee. Lastly, cash on delivery (COD) also has a positive impact on purchasing decisions on Shopee, as it makes transactions easier and contributes to higher purchase rates. These findings highlight the importance of various marketing strategies in influencing consumer behavior on e-commerce platforms such as Shopee.
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