Character Values of Sukuraga Puppets: Improving Cultural Literacy of Elementary School Students
Corresponding Author(s) : Iis Nurasiah
Proceeding Internasional Conference on Child Education,
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): 1st ICCE 2023
The lack of a model for promoting productive learning environments and a clear major value of choice to guide practice has resulted in the needs for this research. Values are important aspects of learning, yet they are not used to their fullest potential in educational practices in Indonesia. The primary objective for this study was to propose an appropriate model with application of local wisdom value in elementary school, and synthesized strategies for challenging the value for sustainable use in schools. This paper discusses and describe possible guidelines targeting the design of learning local wisdom value’s-based learning model with creative learning environments that influence student literacy skills. This research was a qualitative Research. The values of the wayang sukuraga character are very different from other puppet characters in Indonesia' Wayang Sukuraga teaches us how to understand ourselves by understanding the reason God gave us members of the body, where each member of the body has a different function and was created by God in the best possible way. Each character in the wayang Sukuraga is in the form of a human body in the form of mutilation. This puppet has a specialty where every character in this wayang teaches to think before acting. Elementary school students absorb character values in wayang more quickly because of their unique shape and being close to themselves. So that wayang Sukuraga is very suitable to be used as a medium for character education in elementary schools. By understanding the wayang characters in Wayang Sukuraga, students love themselves more, develop positive characters, and also love their culture by developing cultural literacy.
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