Spiritual strength in childhood ( how the religious aspect works in building the Child's personality and happiness)
Corresponding Author(s) : Tatik Ariyati
Proceeding Internasional Conference on Child Education,
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): 1st ICCE 2023
Childhood is not just a station for future use. And religious education is at the heart of this foundation, which is with love, guidance, inner peace, and outer awareness.
And because raising a child is a journey full of challenges and questions, especially in our contemporary world full of dispersion and rapid changes, there is an urgent need to build bridges of spirituality and ethics, education, management, and teaching these optics, religion, religion, religion, teachers, and childhood. Full focus on the child for his good development. and stitch it | Raising a child is more than just teaching rites and rituals, it is a comprehensive process to develop the child's personality spiritually and morally, these different life messages, where religious teachings harmonize, encourage him to grow, and bond.
In this article, we discuss some theories about the importance of the religious aspect in the development of the child's personality, what are the effects of the presence of religion in the child's life, and how it positively affects the child's personality.
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